Don’t Ever Forget . . . Memories Summons


Don’t Ever Forget . . . Memories Summons



"Lightning in all it glory, streaks through and across the sky, each presentation delivers special announcements to those in heaven, and guardian protectors keeping track a sacred event. Lightning is to labor what thunder is to announcement of mothers’ welcoming song; all react in unison summonsing forth the birth of a girl child. Mind, body and spirit of mother with child displayed in unison a rhythmic connection with/to Earth Our Scared Mother. Each announcement mother and child received her blessings of protection supporting, too, the sacred life’s journey forth. Lightning and thunder communications, the Sacred Mothers’ communication keeps the Sacred Father Eternal of Light and Life, informed, along with the High Council of Sacred Elders, updated, too.

Hours before the first announcement of labor, rain begins high upstream in the mountains via the sacred guardians of mother and child requests of Nature and Mother Earth. They needed them to deliver strong rushing waves of water, which would ensure the safety of mother and child, from deadly dangers once labor was underway.

It was important to protect them by using the storm’s powers to blanket them within their spiritual powers. Use of the floodwaters to cut off of those with intention to harm and/or prevent mother from giving birth; while the other portion of its sacred mission was to cleanse, purify and bring new energy of life to the land. Labor is another of nature’s sacred energies which bring forth new life and rebirth. Strom’s behavior clouded senses; block spiritual props of those that sought to do mother and child harm. Nature’s planned floodwaters, designed to mask their special separation of mother with child, from the ones that seek their destruction. Guardians instructed mother in labor with child, to take cover in a birthing barn, high in the back country for their protection.

"Sacred truth, heaven and guardians added a combination of tears, love, protection, blessings and sorrow within the rain during the eternal spirit journeys coming forth in mortal form. Sorrow because of what they observed in the spirit-hearts of traditional people; misinterpretation of symbolic messages. True; the weather reflected the emotions of the spirit people, for all who could read the sacred signs, realized it signified the journey of revelations to sacred awakenings ahead for the people, not revolutions. Few understood or accepted the Sacred Father’s promise of hope, with the coming of a child hidden, spoken of in legend and prophesy . . . Red Sun.”


One mysterious Grandfather/medicine man words of greeting, or introduction, or acknowledgement of Red Sun, sitting with Little Turtle, an Apache warrior woman inside her truck, in the middle of the Arizona Desert at north of Superstition Mountain. Little Turtle received a vision to take Red Sun to a certain area in the dark of night and wait for sunrise. Little Turtle stopped where she was instructed to stop, but she told Red Sun they were lost, and it would be best to wait for sunrise. Neither knew anything about this mysterious medicine man, standing by the truck nor how he came to be standing beside Red Sun. When they looked a short ways down the road they saw a house, which they wondered about, too.

Grandfather opened the truck door and says; "Come in you two! Red Sun, my child, it is your presence I have requested to see before my scheduled time to return to the Sacred Ones."

Little Turtle and Red Sun wondered why this mysterious man of less fifty years and good health in appearance, would make such strange comments.  His words and messages caused countless questions to form, along with confusion. How strange he acknowledges Red Sun, without any introduction. The mystery elder refused to allow his name spoken, or reveal where he came from. However, he did request Red Sun to call him Grandfather, but said nothing to Little Turtle.

Interesting, a week earlier Red Sun recalled a similar vision which told her she was going to meet a very wise medicine man, her grandfather, and she was to call him Grandfather. She was instructed his name is not important, only your meeting is important Red Sun. Listen to the words of one mysterious Grandfather, truth in words and truths awaken. Red Sun you spirit-heart will know him, and the truth in his words, to discover events surrounding the birth of Red Sun. What Red Sun felt and the vision she received she continued listening one mysterious grandfather aka medicine man.  


Little Turtle and Red Sun followed him to his front pouch where they decided it wise to wait in silence . . . until he invited them in. So they stood, absorbed the energy, and experience one highly spiritual Grandfather, with a lively energy field. Nevertheless, the two sensed something greater than a sacred mysterious medicine elder, before either speaks to him. Red Sun wonders direction, connection and who him. Sacred Elders, Grandmother M or her biological mother, some one had to send him to made contact with her. Grandfather sensed Red Sun required time to feel comfortable; she needed to test her environment. Fact, both needed to test each other in similar ways.

Red Sun projects her thoughts: The words you speak, I sense are true. Yes, I too sense a strong spiritual connection between us, except I cannot honesty confirm your words, due to sudden-birth-syndrome.

Grandfather smiles and projects: I know granddaughter that sudden-birth-syndrome can cloud ones head and spirit. The cabin’s door is open, he turns and heads for his wooden rocking chair, when he realizes he failed to invite them in the house. He turns back half-way and motions for the two to follow him and takes note of Red Sun’s cautious behavior and humor. Little Turtle thought it interesting the way they tested and communicated with each other. She suspected they were related to one another.

Grandfather and Red Sun tested in conversations of storyteller metaphors, injected with hidden questions, and messages. Grandfather and granddaughter wanted to know if the other recognized certain key words within certain metaphors. They had keys words they wanted to know if the other recognized and/or experienced. Answers would reveal depth of experiences learned, and/or spiritual knowledge; or which direction the other headed. Spirit of a storyteller’s, key words and phrases, can reach deep into ones spirit, unexpectedly and summons an awakening of sacred awareness.



Grandfather’s words carried many messages, questions and tests within his storyline:

The harness of laws surrounding the environments of family and children on reservations for more than a century are hard for most to understand, since the government was trying to annihilate the people by the annihilation traditions, culture, sacred connection and believes, and our spiritual connection to the life, energy and spirit of land and universe. A time when children were used as weapons, against their families; the government in some cases would take the children of traditional families away from their and make sure the children would disappear.

The people began to fear the many symbolic messages from the Sacred Father. They feared the child would bring death to the people or lose of their children. People had lost faith; they could not or would not, believe or accept; the gift of birth sent to give the people a spiritual gift. The sacred rains of protection had many reasons and messages within its behavior, but people were afraid and they refused to listen.

The reaction of the people to the storm and its connection to a child’s birth had most thinking the worse; none wanted to believe the messages and/or blessings from our Sacred Mother Earth, the Sacred Mothers of the People, the Sacred Elders or the Sacred Father of Life and Light Eternal. The storm’s, lightning, and thunder also announced renewal of live, cleansing and protection of the indigenous people, through the birth of a girl child. Yes, it protected the young mother in labor; watched over the child, and made a profound announcement of protection for the peoples. Only a few realized the lightning and thunder stayed in unison with the messages of life or took time to interpret the signs.

This extremely strong and stationary storm continued over twenty-six hours, transforming hundreds of farms, houses, crops, pastures, and lowlands into wetlands and restored life. Remember, one needs to see beyond personal perception. In truth the storm produced excessive, swift, dynamic changes, along with protective waters for constructive rebirth: for the people is was hard to comprehend blessings within such dramatic changes; when the attributes water changed to raging waterways; which changed thousands of acres into wetlands which cleansed the land and allowed crops to flourish.

Many natural ponds changed into large wetlands, lakes grew, and locals received an introduced to an area for creation of a reservoir. Many roadways blocked mud waist deep or rapid moving water obstacles, which only shallow dinghies could travel, at ones own peril.

Yes, the flooding was massive, but nevertheless, filled with symbolic messages and meanings. Interesting how storms, floods, and rain can carry hostile meaning for many people, because they never see the rainbows, yet others the messages in the experience positive and spiritual. It is the same storm, but so many assumed different, which prevented dangerous death from destroying the people’s future. The young mother had received instructions she would find safety in the family’s seasonal birthing barn on higher ground.

Before birthing labor started, which mother recognized, flood waters and lightning took out the phone lines; blocking information of the flood waters arriving and a young mother’s time to deliver. Protection planned to protect the young mother and child, because she would be too weak to protect herself and child, for several hours after the child’s arrival.

Before the flooding rain’s ended, many were forced to take shelter on higher ground, and the young mother shared the birthing barn with others. Aunts were never able to return with help, but she had it in the barn anyway. Some took shelter in caves; some took shelter with friends, on higher ground; others took shelter in makeshift emergency shelters. Domestic animals and wildlife alike found it necessary to huddle together on higher ground for warmth and survival. New friendships made and/or other friendships renewed.

Those who shared the upper barn said the storm stopped after the first vocalization of life, which felt to the visitors, the child’s song to the Sacred Ones to inform all of her arrival. Quicker, than the first signs of the storm’s arrival, and those in the barn claimed they experienced gentle, spiritual, uplifting breezes. They all assumed, they were experiencing visitations from the Sacred Elders, which flooded the barn with sacred blessings. Others said soon as the storm stopped they too felt a spiritual life come across the lands with clean fresh, refreshing songs honoring life. The coming of morning they awoke to a beautiful red sun at dawn, inside the arch of triple rainbows, and the waters began to recede. The girl child received the name Red Sun, but that was only the beginning.


Once Grandfather finished what he wanted to say and motioned for the Red Sun sit down, she sat at his left knee, and Little Turtle sat behind and to the right of her friend. Quickly, the room felt transported to the sacred council of unseen guardians, observing, within a very spiritual and peaceful chamber. To all my relations I welcome you, Red Sun thought, for this is a sacred and meaningful meeting. Grandfather picks up his tobacco pouch and offers tobacco along with a simple prayer to each of the four directions. The offerings were part of an invitation to the Sacred Ones, all our ancestors and relations to join us within this sacred circle. He filled his medicine pipe with tobacco after the sacred offerings, yet he did not lit the pipe.

No sooner he filled the medicine pipe and a holographic theater filled with visions and sacred visitation regarding Red Sun. The Sacred Elders showed Grandfather a great deal of information, about Red Sun. The three sat fascinated with all the energy patterns, and some interesting connections of the old medicine man to Red Sun. All were mesmerized, if not captivated at the visions, numerous signs and symbols; and relations making their presence known. The amount of spiritual energy had increased to a level few could handle, without blacking out.

Grandfather speaks with those visiting, in his tribe’s native language and without warning he asks Little Turtle, "How old is she now, where was this child, finally rescued and who rescued her?" Little Turtle told him what she could. The Red Sun was on a spiritual journey, enjoying the high level of energy; which meant she was in a spiritual trance receiving valuable instructions and/or information, too. This gave Grandfather, time to gather more information, before the holographic theater and visions faded.


"I see, mid-1940’s . . . A time when Indigenous Natives were being forced to fit the mold of Native American Indians on or off the reservations, the governments strict laws forbid them from the practice of sacred traditional religions, living by their traditional values and belief systems. None could openly practice medicines involved with their traditions including their right to speak ones traditional language. Neither was it allowed on or off the reservation to teach and/or practice traditional songs, drumming, dances, ceremonies, prayers or go on visions quests. Yet, there were those besides Sister M that created ways around the laws and taught thousands.

In other words, the native people’s lives were denied them, by those who did not want to understand, because the church made sure they feared our sacred traditional ways and our peoples. While white people’s government plotted to weaken and destroy our traditional families, tribes and nations. They began to turn our traditions against us, based on personal and greed motivated agendas, which meant they denied our people the right to life our lives, so they could take what they wanted.

In a number of cases, serious repercussions, imprisonment, assassination or children disappearance of those they feared, which might include entire family units: if ones family continued to participate traditional ceremonies; honor traditions; speak in the language of ones ancestors; or refuse to allow the children to attend reform school; or leaving the reservation entire families might be punished. Especially, if any authorities got wind of these events and individuals involved, true or not? Some even gave false witness against family and friends for an extra blankets or food.

Genocide of our nations, use of word games to rob us of our lands, and hindrance of life, spiritual development, denied our nations sacred traditions killed many of our people determined in stay strong. Over the centuries the indigenous people across this nation fought many battles to save our people and nations from getting wiped out completely, which the whites wanted to do. They took our children away, and sold them to white families for punishment, while others they killed. Some states had a law if the child could pass for white give to a white family, and it they can be passed off for Italian give them away to Italian families. Decreased the people who had rights to land grants and that was another way to remove the reservations from the rolls.

A warrior battles are one thing, but the silent battles; proved far worse and demeaning families; in various ways for a time, weakened many of our nations. Even today one has to be careful even these great leaders die strangely. Regardless, the sacred spirit of our children cannot be removed. Traditions, cultures, spiritual unity, and lifestyle, can be thrown aside, for a time but not removed for the spiritual bond remains strong.

The separation did more harm than good and the generations removed are still paying the price, because their spirits within are at war, crying out for life and balance, due to the separation. The whites are not gifted with the sense of unity or spirituality, either, for they accepted a dogma religion, without eyes or ears which recognize spiritual truths. Okay, maybe only a few possess sacred spiritual connections to the eternal Father, which allow them to experience our sacred knowledge.


In truth, the harness of life, when you two were small girls, had turned into genocide warfare on your relations and you two. The heart of Red Sun’s mother, realized it was time to hide Red Sun, and so did many other parents, once they received visions regarding what the churches and government sought to do, to all the indigenous nations. Some gave their children to white friends; they assumed they could trust, so the children would not be destroyed by missionaries in Indian Re-education Schools. One sure person was the one you refer to as Grandmother M, she ended up in the hands of people who hid her, away from those that would have harmed her and she took you to protect you.

Three months before your birth she received the visions to find Red Sun and remove her from the reservation and teach, the child . . . sacred traditions, spiritual awareness and medicine ways of the indigenous people. This was to protect Red Sun from premature death, sold off, which would create major problems because thousands would perish and die needlessly, with her.

Some stayed on the reservations and suffered for the people, however, over half indigenous traditionalist natives died who stayed to teach ended up dead, because those that turned Native American Indians wanted to be white, and turned against their culture and traditions. Many sincere traditionalists realized the importance to preserve our sacred universal oneness, spiritual knowledge critical to traditions, cultures, and teachings. Those who appeared light skin, left the reservations, took the names of White Christians to hid, so they could teach their children and others in the sacred ways of our peoples.

All too often, churches were paid by the government for missionaries to pass children off to white families, who promised not to tell the children. The people then received good money to stay silent and never to tell the children of their indigenous native heritage. The government wanted to sell the land to whites, weaken the nations land base and rid the land of traditional people. Biological parents received word their children died; older children told their parents were dead. Children lost to greedy Indian Agents who wanted to line their pockets with coins, selling children into various forms of slavery.


Nevertheless, if indigenous people lose spiritual connection, to their ancestors’ traditions and cultures: If no one preserves our cultures, the destroyers win. Hold strong to sacred teachings, cultural traditions, wisdom and sacred beliefs of ones ancestors, regardless of ones suffering. The Sacred Elders bless those that hold strong and for this we give thanks. Without our guardians and keepers of traditions, spiritual awareness and sacred teaching, all would be lost. Of this I speak, who understands?


Grandfather’s storytelling touched and filled the hearts of Red Sun and Little Turtle with passion. Red Sun says, “Now I see. You answered certain questions, there are similarities in the story Grandmother M took the time to tell me the day she crossed.” While she spoke he see a renewed spiritual awareness and more glowing around Red Sun. Her sacred garment of a Sacred Mother with children gathered around her. Brilliant magnificent bright glow, (energy field) encompassing all the area above and around her over two feet in all direction, with another energy radiating from her heart center, then nine sacred elders standing a couple of feet behind and on the left side of Red Sun. Their appearance gave grandfather a start, for all were guardian/teachers of Red Sun, too. Grandfather with unlit medicine pipe in hand, motion for the sacred elders, to join the circle. “Welcome honored guests come and join us, we welcome you and invite you come and join us during this sacred awakening ceremony.

Surprised he had not smoked his pipe in hand he attempts to make his second attempt at lighting his medicine pipe when . . . . All receive vivid spiritual visitor visitation visions, holographic presentations of spiritual events, records of the child Red Sun early life. He watched a few enlightening visions, no smoking, inside amazing energy fields of action and in the background, a few traditional drums with elders, singing summonsing songs. Songs to call missing children and relations home to their people which we heard in the distance calling out Remember . . . time to return to your people.

“Red Sun, is this truth? I am told to tell you Red Sun these memories are reality not imagination, they are highly spiritual events, maybe painful ones, in nature, but actual truths.”

Red Sun looks up towards grandfather, with the reflection of lonesome pain in her face. It doesn’t matter where I am at, or what I am doing they come from a great distant for me, ever so softly at first. First the sounds of medicine drums, carrying from great distance, spirit-hearts through the spirit realm, many are chanting, along with sacred ones joining them riding the spirit of the drums . . . Red Sun Come Home! Come Home to Your People! Your People Need You and I Need You! . . . Next I hear one that sounds similar to you chanting in your traditional tongue, summonsing me, too, but with his chanting I receive visions, many memories of emotional experiences. He helps keep me connected to my relations.

The most powerful of the callings always came in August. A time of traditional gatherings, Sundance or some scared type of sacred ceremonies when the mothers and grandmothers voices’ are the strongest and filled with compassionate love: with the acknowledgement of Remember . . . the sacred white silver tip grizzly bear growls and pictures take form. Awakening to her, once again the traditional life; lost in time. Each flash lost in time, becomes a powerful moments in a young child’s life . . . before the evil ones brought death.





Red Sun/SunHawk Life Adventures (c) 2009

Author: Michelle Red Sun EagleHawk


4 thoughts on “Don’t Ever Forget . . . Memories Summons

  1. We forget all of those Injustices that were suffered by your people… I absorbed these words, and have re-read several times. And we forget the Systematic genocide of the Native American People.. And how in a few short years your numbers were so reduced…

  2. Sometimes life travels us in many circles so we can understand the first of many circles and then we travel a little further and we discover we have developed a greater understand and comprehension of life than we actually realized. Yet, many times we fail to understand until a storyteller comes along and awakens the truth within us.

  3. I can remember clearly when i first heard and understood the calling home….I was 10 years old… alone and institutionalised in a strange country……No matter what they did in that place to try change/break me the calling stayed constant and grew in force….By time i was 13 listening to the calling had told me whom to trust so as some kind spirit could put me on the pathway home to New Zealand…….At the age of 14 i was discharged from govement care and put on a plane alone and sent back to virtual strangers in my own country…..Since then i have never stopped listening to the Spirit and have been guided to a point where i am now almost home amongst my own people but i am not alone as i have gathered many lost and discarded children on the way here…….Thank you for sharing this Sacred Journey Red Sun…….

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