Women Take Back you Power

Women forget they have a great deal of power and this world will be imbalanced until  . . .
women start taking their place and power. WE need a woman as President . . . 
Because there will not be balance, peace or harmony until we elect a woman President. I have received this information across ten years, twenty visions and during three major spiritual visitations. 
 Many of the Sacred Ones say that took me not until women decided to take their power and position back around the world will there be balance, peace of harmony. The sacred power and wisdom be long to the unity of the women for universal truth say women are the sacred power that can save this world from total destruction.
Can anyone explain why Archangel Gabriel and Michael are so adamant that this world will crumble into darkness unless all women around the world stand up and join their power, since evil fears women and only women can overpower and conquer evil. 
Someday you will understand
Women have more power than they realize

Power of Women

Mother Nature and all her children are women for only women have the sacred power to bless
and protect this universe.

Thank You For Being Part of MY Life




Thank U 4 Your Gift in My Life   

Yes I Agree

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Thank you For Being Part of my Life


Here is something I found in my special gift section. The thoughts of many that transpired out of the Creative Party Theme of Bring You Memories 101. Majority of us sat around afterwards and came up with the thanks to those who have past through our lives and whose lives we have past through, shared, taught, enriched, hurt or may had been hurt by. It matters not for they in their strange way taught us and enriched our lives. A gift maybe not everyone heard, but each one must have felt our gift of thanks.  

The feelings and thoughts seem to grow as the words went out around the room. All added their thoughts, which became a special thanks, a gift of caring, a gift of love and friendship. One of those special moments when everyone began to live in the spirit of the moment and the words grew strong.


Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were or are for a reason, for a season or a lifetime. WE/I send a special message to you . . . you who planted the seed, who watered the seed within our spirit, and who gave life to those special moments. To all whose lives we directly and/or indirectly crossed and whose influence of past, present, and future comes and goes unrecognized. We thank each one who walks in and/or out, across or journeyed with us, for a while, we thank you.

You who believed you influenced one life touched and taught many another secret life lessons, or gave us an answer to a question. You too became a mentor, and/or awakener of knowledge and a teacher, what we did with that knowledge became our gift to others. Special Blessings of Thanks we give you and ask your sacred guardians to touch you and give you a gift of thanks.


People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your comes in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.


They are here for the REASON or REASONS; one wants and needs them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to end the relationship. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up received an answer and now it is time to move on.


Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because . . . ones time to receive or share, grow in life experiences or learn has arrived. They bring you an experience of knowledge, wisdom, and peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real but only for a season.


LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. Voices of wisdom through time believe true love is blind, but friendship is clairvoyant.


Thank you for being a part of my life, whether for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

I am sending you this in my special way. These I send to you to see how many actually read their email.

Your response will be interesting. Pay attention to what you read. After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason you received this gift.


Love is the Expression of Ones Sacred Father of Eternal Light Love Shining through Ones Spirit.

Thank You For Touching My Life  


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(C) RedSun/SunHwk Life Adventures


Ice Breaker & Writers Forum


The following is what I wrote to a group that meets here every second Thursday of the month, Hard Rock Café Writers Forum. Okay, I was trying to justify my experiences and writing to this group of personalities that fears anything spiritual to political. What an experience for this sensitive-medium with Einstein Syndrome capabilities.

Courage what happened to my courage? For months, friends tried to get me to attend this local writers forum, but after the first local personas, I encountered, I was ready for just about any thing, and presents me with serious personal challenges … since my writings was one-hundred-eighty degrees different and really hard for the before the 50s generation, to understand, nor am I a poet. I have spent a good portion of my life adventures analyzing and researching science of life adventures and personal encounters linked to past, present, and future values of incredible internal/external awakenings, life saving and beyond recovery events. Life extends to the universe and beyond, which is a great deal more than a few spiritual physics miracles. Research produced amazing links to quantum physics linking universal/spiritual and spiritual/psychological physics environments; the total of each enriches life awareness values for critical knowledge life advancement, which are links to/with universal environments.

Personally, my life is at a crossroad, knowing what my life’s prime directive the Sacred Ones pounded into my brain during each of the spiritual visitations and visions, including the four times I died, only temporary. No matter what one learns with one receives a vision or visitation had a hidden agenda: years of experiences to ensure each lesson and all directions one learns to strengthen awareness of ones ancestors’ spiritual experiences. Save the Children, and others visions showed an enigma persona their demands were in opposition with how to accomplish their directive. Lessons of opposition slapped me in the face, after several months attending the writers’ forum, the rationalization necessary to accomplish directive, revealed the enigma persona has for years made me, my own worse enemy.   

     *Only to realize what I had failed to realize—an inner-fear—created a coward, which blocked forward motion, within my all writing, discard the fear, if Michelle Red Sun is to success in lives prime directive, and stop hiding within her secret world of mysterious realities. [Scorpio-Leo, strange birth, placed me in the middle of two grand trines: one Scorpio and the other Leo can make life and personality interesting or that is what the astrologer told me. The two are in direct oppositions with each other: one outward extravert and the other dealing with the mysterious environments of spiritual and secretive awakening of knowledge.]

For several decades, I have proceeded with caution, to protect the secrets only to receive visions revealing the time is here to divulge experiences related to mysterious veils of spiritual secrecy connected to my several levels of adventurous lives filled with countless experiences and challenging mysteries. The other life filled with spiritual awareness and sacred teachings via experiences with sacred spiritual life foundation with traditions of indigenous Red Nations, spiritual, cultural, medicine/sciences/physics and mathematics for people to peer within or let people know what is important in the spiritual universe beyond . . . . Lives filled with mysterious countless survival events, combined with guardian protection and healings, with spiritual life conditions and countless spiritual physics, some dub miracles.

  • It is important to realize our traditional cultures were never demonic devil worshipping practicing who-doo, voodoo, or any form of satanic magic.

Ours was/is physical and spiritual life aligned with sciences, and spiritual awareness of spiritual guardians, interactive connections with physical lives and the Highest of the Highest Sacred Father of Eternal Light of Life power over and connection with universal physics awakening and delivering reality for all of us to experience and learn in unique and diverse ways. What was lost in translation is important to regain, Sacred Father’s and Earth Mother’s valuable knowledge and experiences teaching us spiritual physics awareness to improve and advance life conditions and protect environments? For humanity there are many mysteries to uncover and for humanity to understand.

Okay, first priority cut the tension I sense from people wondering . . . wondering about background, objective, theory, course, and conclusion with all my writings. The following is FYI, heads-up facts, including brief awareness synopsis introduction to what supported my foundation, formed my life, enhanced by life experiences, personal and family, and defined by research life experiences. The following things you might and might not experience in my presentations, and some of the strange things.

  • I am not dogmatic religious, but explore/research and experience universal concepts via culture based theology and cultural experiences.
  • I will never quota scriptures directly word for word or direct anyone to any verse to read.
    • Do not tell me where to worship or how to worship, which means my intent is not to tell you, either.
    • I will neither voice opinions of acceptance nor voice rejection of any sacred religious organization. It is not my position to tell anyone, what if any church to attend or stop attending.
  • However, I realize certain comments might appear to insult or cast shadows indirectly on individual religion, race, and/or nationalities.
    • If you feel insulted, we need to have direct dialogue, so we can understand each other.
  • What my writing is not and will neither content biblical scripture nor intentional references to biblical scripture unless I had some form of experiences loosely reference some part of any scriptures.
  • Fact, I have no hidden agendas within my writings, or secret calculations to defame, dishonor, and/or destroy by denial since my love is too strong in faith, knowledge, and life experiences.

For a couple of decades, SunHawk and Red Sun along with a number of others did everything possible to ensure and we came across many conditions plotted to destroy the freedom and rights of people. We the indigenous people of the many Red Nations, warriors, Chiefs and Spiritual Leaders and friends to the people across many nations, these writing are their voices, too. A good many experiences reflect their life and believes since we experienced a good number of these adventures together. We had a lot of diverse interventions and challenges.

We the people of many nations and spiritual backgrounds believe:

  • Freedom of will and choice is your right; it is not mine to stop you. Your spiritual development is your right and my life choice became ours by sacred design.
  • Spiritual development is your choice and the choice of each individual. I am only relating experiences and lessons learn.
  • Love is the Expression of He who is Highest of the Highest and Sacred Light Eternal, shining forth and speaking forth through ones sprit-heart.
  • Truth is Truth in reality, which belongs to all cultural based religions and spiritual experience of faith and beliefs.

Truth and reality of diverse experiences

  • We lived and survived our lives based on spiritual awareness, teachings, and guidance, combined with spiritual physics and extra sacred protection.
  • Survivals required extra support, when evil attacked to remove and disconnect spirit from form on four different occasions. Professional medicine terms clinically dead or returning from the dead. She was dead temporarily: In truth, we classified the crossings, spiritual visitation journeys, or spiritual crossing.
  • Two spiritual journeys lasted longer than fifteen minutes, which proved a shocker to all . . . . In flight returning to forms, ears hear a person speaking Latin.

Eyes open to observe a Catholic Priests dressed wearing last rites garment, and the sensation of anointment on forehead. Priest had not yet finished the last rites for the dead. I screamed, "I am not dead so don’t you dare finish the last rites ceremony." His face was shocked at my anger when retuning back to form. The people with the meat wagon, I saw standing at the door ready to take me on the strange trip to the morgue. They had already prepared my form for transport in the meat-wagon, wearing next stop—morgue toe-tag data.

Form experiencing the freezing cold of the dead and unhappy the two-medicine/guardian angels wearing sacred traditional white skins and pure white traditional medicine bonnets, returning me to my form. The two guardians appeared one on each side, grabbed me up when I refused to listen, to Sacred Mothers of the People. Twice in one crossing, they restated my prime directive, including the reason I had to stay and save the children. The extreme stress in everyday life and the sacred peace of spiritual life, I wanted to join my ancestor on the other side of water.

[That was the time I told the doctor I was going to died and wanted everyone in the operating room to bear witness to my last will and testament. The doctor said I even told them what to do with my silverware and not to allow Elinora to have custody of my children.]

  • Those two were very interesting visitations, but I gained a lot of insight, wisdom, and knowledge along with the Sacred Mothers of the Peoples, solid reasoning I had to return.
  • I am a human being with deep spiritual heritage and blood of the traditional indigenous Red Peoples. Some might call Native Indian of the Americas, but we are natives of the spiritual and indigenous red children.
    • The words of knowledge developed from major journeys and sacred personal summons to stand before the Sacred Father of all Fathers, in his sacred cleansing fire and empowering fire of the chosen, or so the Sacred Father of Eternal Life Light stated.
    • The journey something very sacred and empowering fire of a chosen Sacred Mother.
  • Then you can call me Red Sun and leave it at that.

Property of Red Sun all copyrights reserved 2007