RedSun/SunHawk Adventures

Nez Perce, Assiniboine, and Salish born of the WhiteBear Clan …Tall Walking Standing (Silver tip) White Bear it is my Grandfather that call to me and walks with me in a sacred way so I can help my people. Yes, a very tall Sacred White Bear stands with me, too. The one that walks with me is taller than a two story-house.

I am Indigenous Native Nez Perce, Salish, Assiniboine. Married to a wonderful Sioux/Cheyenne man, who was more than a husband, best friend, and lifetime partner, we walked the same path in life. He never bought dishonored on his family, neither abusive nor violent towards his children or me. He made sure we never went without, even when his career took him away from home more than home, your marriage remained strong for more than 28 years until his crossing.

My spiritual, medicine, and traditional teachings began before I could speak nd continued  by one considered Saintly, Sacred Spiritual Mother, who was trained by the Ojibwa
Spiritual leaders in Nebraska before the Dust Bowl, yes, they were elders trained since they were young and then they began Grandmother M training when she was very young. Yet, she was an elder when I was young and she began my training.

She also received additional training from the Sioux, Apache, Salish, and Dine. She taught more than a million people in the Sacred Spiritual way of our people, she was a missionary that claimed to use the bible but taught our spiritual traditions and use the same to heal. She was the happiest when she was helping others or working with her hands and feet in Mother Earth.

Now after 60 years of life experiences, training, lessons, spiritual research and universal guidance, I received visions, (rather strong visions) revealing it is time to share these lessons with my people and those that want to accept and follow the traditional ways…

Personal Info:

*You can say Indigenous Native or First People Native, but I am insulted when someone calls me American Indian, because I am not a puppet of the so-called US American Indian. My spirit is universal traditional and sacred; which is not for sell, or trade to the religion of the strange churches and religions that came from across the big waters

*My heart and spirit stands with the Sacred Ones, their teachings and guidance. No matter where I travelled, or where I others hide me, or how far I was away from my biological family, it mattered not . . . . The GREAT SPIRIT, SACRED ONES, and GUARDIANS did not ignore me, turn their backs on me, or deny me the sacred truths of my relations.

*Grandmother M was more than a medicine woman for she was a Sacred Wisdom Keeper, Healing, Guardian, Guide, Grandmother of the Peoples, (which others translated into Saintly Mother and truly a very Sacred Mother of the Peoples). This sacred mother was my mentor, guardian, protector, and the one that saved me many times from death and on a few occasions brought me back even after I have crossed.

She had one gift I wish I could have learned: being in a crowd and not seen or walk among ones enemies and yet, they could not see or sense her. This gift is what she used to protect me from many enemies after a violent break in, which left many shot, when some lived and others died. Years, later I was informed the church feared me because of prophesy spoken and visions received. They feared I would cause a revolution against the church, but the fact was I would bring about revelations. I would expose the things they wanted to hide, and thus the church offered money and booze to those that killed mother and child.

Grandmother M received a number of visions about a child who was here to help the people the child is Red Sun. Before this event took place, she received instruction revealing whom to see, who to be aware of, and whom to speak with, along with who and what was behind the plot. The vision also told her what she needed to do to and who she could trust to help rescue the child, Red Sun from death.

This is how she became my grandmother and it was through her my training began, which was the other part of her visions; she was to teach me in the sacred ways. Her teachings became my foundation. And her spiritual guidance has stated with me. But like I said before just because I was removed from my reservation and taken from my relations, the Great Spirit, Sacred Ones, Guardians, Elders and Ancients have neither denied me nor failed to teach me so I could return to help the Peoples of the Nations.

The term PEOPLES of the NATIONS is not something to for one to take lightly, especially after I received a sacred medicine shield, quiver with arrows, a bow, and to guardians with lance and spear to stand with me. When they arrived I was told the sacred power I have received, was determined by the Highest of the Most High Council of Chiefs and the Great Spirit, I received the power meant for me to help protect and watch over the Peoples of the Nations.

Several medicine men and Chiefs spoke with the Sacred Father during ceremonies and learned answered to the power gifted  . . . . In truth, the sacred medicine came not for one nation of tribe, but for all the Peoples since we are all one sacred nation. Before the medicine shield arrived, I received a very sacred buffalo skull, prepared for me by the Grandfathers and afterwards a medicine pipe, the Sacred Ones ordered past to me, after I past several tests to prove I was intone with and connected to the medicine pipe.

Remember: in the heart, mind and eyes of the Sacred Ones, we do not need to have paperwork to prove we are his children of the Sacred People of his Red Nation or any of his sacred children even, if we have been given numerous bodies our sacred spirits of the Red Circle of Life are still stand together in his Sacred Universe. So why has so many of our people come to say the Sacred Father and Elders had forsaken them.

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