Bring Your Memories & Try Something New


Bring Your Memories & Try Something New

Submitted by: Michelle Red Sun EagleHawk     





Bring Your Memories Try Something New and Exciting

Creative Theme Gathering


A few weeks back, a friend sent out invitations to a creative theme gathering and she invitation three various groups of friends. Then you know how writers are they enjoy exploring life and wanting to bring people together. The outside of the cards in creative form said: Bring Your Memories Try Something New and Exciting. Creative Theme Gathering

Inside on the left of the card: This is an ideational event of events. Theme is Creative Pivot Points of childhood in your life by people, family, or environment: which were either influential on life change or some type of contribution. Start thinking in retrospect of childhood pivot points; See what events, before your teenage years, helped to influence your life, think about pivot point influences, and bring them to our party.

How many of you really belief you are in total control of your lives and nothing influences you or others? IF you believe you are not, then you might not want to come. However, if you believe others can be instrumental influences or gifts in some significant manner in your lives, then you will enjoy this one. Bring a short essay, focused on an obscure individual, whose significance was in someway oddly instrumental in creating some piece your personality or development.

Inside on the right-hand side of the card:

Home of Spirit Writer Mother Home

2244 Be-Creative Street and Northern Lights

Date: Spring Solstice

Time: 1200 Hours to 1200 Hours

Across the bottom:

PS my second requirement, five copies of a list containing at least ten personages in your life, the can be any pivot point in time in your life you considered significant beyond your parents. First name only, no titles: two short incomplete half-sentences, say why and what role each contributed to life. Make it short for we are going past the various lists around and have a few impromptus, as well. Make sure we can cut them apart for more interesting fun.


The party sounded interesting, I would have to check my schedule, but I am not sure, if I wanted or could go, so I tossed it in my stack of things to consider. Only thirty-eight hours before I decided, a definite Yes; which I discovered an exercise of strange, painful, research, however, there came and occasional attack on my emotional memory. You know the events of the past you wanted buried but never really healed either. It reality I discovered most of my life developed out of reverse negative influences. 

Now the getting here proved to be my own inner-personal comedy: As normal once I read and tossed the invitation, into an overflowing stack of paperwork, I now needed to find it again. Yes, it is a deep overflowing basket of . . . cleared a lot of paperwork . . . now less than thirty-hours before the deadline. Yes, I have always been the last minute person, who stays up most the night racing through paperwork and mental notes, researching subject material, since I did not want any depressing material. As norm when under pressure, I pace the floor and talk aloud, while I magically challenge the pictures of life memories to appear.

          These deadline moments my dogs enjoy, they get more treats and I snack. They do enjoy these late night last hours moments of personal challenges, which seems to end-up with them getting above average attention and treats. Mother is ignoring us, and she too busy at her computer, and their behavior expressed their opinion, by the number of toys they bring and toss on my computer desk and keyboard. Their toys, bumping my keyboard under my desk, bouncing my arms, whining as they bounce around, and once they get my attention, it is easy to see their faces of we succeed.

It is hard to resist those looks of either one, with their happy tongues out, laughing eyes, doggish smiles, and tails talk in-motion, coupled with eyes and facial expressions: Mom, why don’t you pay more attention to us? Mom, it is playtime and they know their tail talk and get to me . . . Please, Please, with talking tails in begging positions, and their occasional winks.


Talking aloud to the dogs and my alter-ego: Okay, the topic of my essay, reversal of negative into a positive, now give me and idea what, or whom, should I write about. Brain you can find and unlock the past years of pivot points, there were plenty, but . . . I’m waiting, come spring forth, Spring will soon be here. Ideas I command you come forth.

What no ideas, come on the pressure is now. Okay, listening, give it up. Only dead silence, what’s the matter brain you are not giving me one possibility? The next step, will have to be automatic writing, hand above paper with pen on paper, still nothing. Two hours into wanting to be interesting, not sad, only depressive ideas, came flooding forth. so I began to jot down a list of obscure people who are normally significant and instrumental the lives of individuals in that age range.

 Pop and idea began to flow, writing as the ideas came, "Parents; Birth maybe rebirth later; Childhood friend a playful foe; Temporary Deaths the same with rebirth, later. Sacred Marriage no that was too significant and I was fourteen, Grandmother M that is not a reversal of negative into positive. This essay is pivot point, point of views, this should only about someone in ones life for a short while, but some they did proved a major influence. Then the floodgate opened and thoughts raced across my frontal lobe, teacher, the teacher from fails, my catalysis of reverse negatives. One of three events that improved my life and people that contributed to an improved future.

1.     Hey, I remember, Dr. Curtis Price, the one who encouraged me to loss weight.

2.     Randy, special kindred spirit, ours was a spiritual warrior relationship

3.     Intriguing Kim, he taught me and protected me (Burmese Cat whose life I saved and he saved mine.)

4.     Grandmother M, no that would take all night once I got talking about her I would not stop.


My dog friends gave me a bow, nod, and paw. Consciousness, agrees it would be better to give short pictures of experience that might bring laughter and fill eyes with a sparkle . . . two or three.

1.     Rusty, the first, spirit guardian/teacher, and spiritual warrior, disgusted in the form of a dog.

2.     One unique spirit, Hap-Hap, after one costly adventure to keep him alive, since the rest of his family did die. The doctor soon moved after demands to keep him alive. A vision to accept the messenger in our family because of future needs. HE became the guardian, the neighborhood’s special friend, spiritual guardian; a sacred wolf spirit relation. One with many special talents, who cost much to keep alive and the care needed to keep one that almost died many times, but he repaid life back by saving our lives and many others more than any one can remember.

3.     The wild bobcat Hap-Hap brought home and slept with in our front room at night.

4.     Nicky, the fun filled hybrid.

5.     The kittens the bobcat left with Hap-Hap and us.

6.     But who to write the article about, Uncle Haskell, Mammie, Aunt Evelyn, Miles, no someone more obscure . . .

Lightening enlightens the candidate, YES, the teacher without ears, watering the dirt, at Viking Elementary. The one whose posture and behavior shouted, I am too good for Grape Central Fresno, he dreamed of Beverly Hills. He who wore business suits everyday; and looked down his nose at all, but the wealthiest; our one and only Mister I am better than, any of you Burton, the one who dished out his stinging slap in the face, with five "Fails" on one Science Fair Project of over 250 pages, which I had spent three years researching. Oh well, the pain only lasted until I confronted him.

          Subsequently his written and verbal slaps, mixed in with his insensitive insults, turned into his greatest of compliments, anyone could give another. His projected icy negatives turned into positive, conditions, because it empowered and enlightened a child. Revealed beyond doubt, this child had the ability to success. His words overrode all the insults and put downs, he cast upon this child, from all including one pseudo-mother.

He opened the eyes Red Sun to ones knowingness within upon re-experiencing the exultation of that day  during words unspoken. . . . I’m not a loser or a failure. What enlightenment that sent my spirit soars in song of recognition. I am highly intelligent, not stupid. Now I recognize my true spirit. Yes, the words of Mr. Rich Burton said, he gave me the F’s for plagiarism and falsifying my science report. It was a doctorate, a report written by a Professor of Psychology, for he grad work, which earned him a PhD in Psychology. Yet, without a trial, he tells me I am a disgrace. Then in the same breath, he says I am a good enough student to accomplish this high quality of work. No way, any child especially one as stupid as I am, He does not know me to call me stupid and refused to listen to anyone, who lies, no way a person of your race (American Indian) could have written this fine quality report. Then the words: Whoever wrote it originally earned them self, top PhD Honors for it is a well thought out and put together Doctoral Thesis. They are a Professor teaching at some University with a major research grant. That is what this report earned them.

In my opinion, you copied it word for word and line for line, which constitutes out-right plagiarism. It takes a person, years of college and research to get to this point, in their career. My honest opinion you’re too stupid to do anything of this magnitude.

Inward celebration, patting self on back, the day I stood ten-feet tall. "Thanks teach, little do you realize, how much your harsh words with closed ears, has come to inflate my ego. You see nothing. Truth is obvious, but you are blind, the beauty and wisdom comes from within, some place you fail to look. As for a fat Indian child, you see what you perceive falsely to be your facts. Have you every thought, maybe I’m not the norm, life has away of putting one over, not only on you, but the educational system in general. Look at me, I’m one child who doesn’t fall within your preconceived idea of an intelligent child. Now I understand why you’ve treated me like a second-class idiot. You don’t see me as a human being only trash. I am proud of what I accomplished."

Mr. Rich Burton; "Shut you hole, there is nothing, one who has plagiarized can say to me. Nothing, which I want to listen to, you’re lucky I didn’t have you suspended. The subject is closed."

Righteous-indignation collided with this teacher’s ignorance and my warrior personality. "Okay, if that’s the way you want it, I’m going to the principal." Turned on my heels and stormed off to the principal’s office. At the same moment, visual concepts transmit a cartoon character of this teacher into a transformed creature. . . . A deformed-cartoon rodent without ears and holding a garden hose with murky water coming out, creating a sump hole, which he creates to destroy him.

Storming into the main office, announcing to everyone in the office, in operatic tones one could hear two blocks away. Or was it my hog calling contest winning voice? Both are loud and demand to be heard. "Mr. Burton, doesn’t want to hear a word, I’ve said. He has accused me of plagiarism. He said I wasn’t smart enough to have such deep insight of human behavioral, physiology and psychology interaction. Let alone write a report with observations, analyses, theory, subjective conclusion, regarding 125 subjects, including doctors’ diagnosis. I spent hundreds of hours doing observations focusing on dietary, drinking, behavioral activities, as well as, conscious and subconscious programming and emotional personalities. Describing how telepathic links between home, work and school environments, along with a variety of perception and interaction on personal and family connection . . . could affect different family members in different ways, affecting each individual’s physical and mental health.

Observing the way our minds, are influenced, during multi-leveled receivers and transmitters. I spent many hours observing subliminal interactions through multi-levels of expressed and perceived communications. I demand a hearing so I can prove my research is my research and it is not whatever Mr. Burton claimed plagiarism and I am not thief."

I got my hearing and received an Honorary PhD in Psychology with a minor in physics.  . . . Note: I did not give up my observing people or life. Then would you believe ten years later, researcher looking at various learning abilities, they originally identified this intelligence, Einstein Syndrome and later they labeled the same condition as dyslexic. The reason words sis not hold the same meaning to be as it did to a word based thinker and receiver.

Anyway, if you get the opportunity have a theme party of your own, especially if you want to inspire a group of strangers to develop friendships and/or have a great night of laughs, your party does not have to be about memories, it can be about any number of subjects. What is you are in school and a major mid-term or final is coming up. People can come as a chapter of knowledge with a support researcher to fill in the gaps of research data. There is an endless array of themes, ideas, and gatherings. The world and personalities are endless, whatever you might dream up, as long as it neither harms nor hurt it can be fun. You need to know for us once people opened up the night gave way to new awareness, friendship, new development of inner-personal strengths and healing of old wounds.


Bring Your Memories Try Something New and Exciting

Creative Theme Gathering




(c) Red Sun/SunHawk Life Adventures

Memories are those moments in Life ans each event comtributes to our life 



2 thoughts on “Bring Your Memories & Try Something New

  1. I wallowed in that – twas wonderful  & rich – and I used to know a hybrid named Nicky – my dogs loved to play with her but I think she & her human must have moved –

  2. I enjoyed reading this  Michelle Red Sun.. to be saved at such a young age,by your Grandmother via her vision, your teachings as an adult, are obviously to be heard..
    May you for ever walk in harmony and safety.. And teach us many more things in this world 
    Love and Gratitiude x

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